Your health should always be your number one priority in life. There is nothing more important than ensuring that you live long and well. But a lot of people tend to forget this, and their health ends up taking a backseat to less important interests. If you this sounds like you, then you need to change your mindset. Weak, frail, sick and/or overweight is not a place you want to be.  If you’d prefer to qualify as strong, energetic, resilient with a high prognosis of longevity … let’s make some changes now. 

Speak To A Doctor

Starting with a wellness check is always a great idea. This is a great idea to find out if your biomarkers are on point, discuss aches and pains, and discuss your overall health. You should be seeing a doctor for a checkup on a regular basis. If something is going south, you’ll want to know before things get too serious. It’s a lot easier to treat stage 2 cancer than it is stage 4. It’s a also a lot easier to deal with pre-diabetes than actual diabetes. If you notice that something isn’t quite right, then you should seek medical advice straight away. We know that sometimes people feel self-conscious talking to a doctor for fear of sounding like a hypochondriac or wasting time. But we shouldn’t. It is always better to be safe than sorry, and doctors would prefer to see your regularly and tell you that you’re healthy, rather than see you only when things go horribly wrong. They do not enjoy delivering bad news. Don’t make them!

Doctors will also be able to speak to you about how you can make lifestyle changes to increase your overall health. Take their advice and visit physical therapists, nutritionists or fitness experts when appropriate. 

If you can’t see a doctor in person, you can always talk to them via the internet. Insurance coverage for telehealth is expanding all the time, with more providers offering it since the advent of the pandemic. So you may be able to claim back any out-of-pocket fees in the future. Telehealth gives you a direct line to a medical professional and allows them to diagnose any health complaints or symptoms remotely. You can even order medications in the post.


You can be thin without exercise, but you can not be strong, flexible, have great endurance and balance without it. If being athletic isn’t on your list of ‘wants’, think instead about being resilient. You are far less likely to fall down, break bones or tear muscles if you exercise. Resiliency means a lot both in our youth and as we age. There are no magic pills to provide the things exercise provides. Not only is it excellent for your physical health, but it also has a number of benefits for your mental health.  Even going for a daily brisk walk can have magical effects on your mind. Exercise serves as an incredible form of stress relief and certainly provides an opportunity to clear your head and think through work or personal situations in your life. Health clubs and fitness centers are filled with a tremendous variety of choices, but if you don’t feel comfortable going you can get some of the best exercise equipment to burn calories or build muscle online.

Just keep moving in a variety of ways. If you’re someone who doesn’t exercise and thinks it’s okay, eventually you’ll find out that it isn’t. The reality is, your body needs exercise to function at its best. Without it, it will start to fail.

Eat Well

Finally, eating well is all part of a healthy lifestyle. You wouldn’t put catsup and mustard in the gas tank of your car, so you should avoid putting damaging foods into your body! It’s not so complicated. Read Fitz’s Exact Formula for Weight Loss and learn how a little bit of math and a little bit of discipline go a long way. Your health matters! Don’t wait until crisis strikes to start taking it seriously. 

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