Achieving Ultimate FitznessWorkouts

Will Lifting Heavy Weights Make Women Bulky?

By October 15, 2012October 29th, 2014No Comments

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Have you ever been afraid to lift heavy weights in fear of getting big and bulky? If you answered yes, listen up. Lifting heavy weights will NOT make you big and look like a man. If anything, it could help you get into the best shape of your life.

Muscle is more compact than fat and will make you look toned all over. Muscle also burns fat which gives you that tight body. Building a significant amount of muscle is honestly very tough. Here are some reasons why it is so difficult for women to build huge muscles:

  • You have to eat a lot. In order to build muscle, you have to eat in a large surplus. That doesn’t mean eating anything like pizza, burgers, and ice cream, but it does mean eating a LOT of clean, whole foods. That is, if you want to build muscles without fat.
  • Women do not have enough testosterone. Why do you think men build muscle a lot easier than women? Testosterone helps with the muscle-building process, which us ladies do not have.
  • Women are built differently. I know every woman has a different body type, but generally, we are all much more similar to each other than we are to men. Men have faster metabolisms naturally, and women are naturally meant to have more of a womanly body type.
  • To grow big muscles, you would have to cut out other exercises. In order to really build muscle, you’d need to focus solely on weight training with heavy weights. That’s right, no cardio. Cardio burns extra calories that you would have to eat back in order to build big muscles.

Overall, it generally requires women to go out of their way and make an ENORMOUS effort to grow big, bulky, MANLY muscles! Lifting heavy weights will only make you stronger and deliver the strong shapely muscles you desire.

Do you lift heavy weights?

Have you ever thought it would make you bulky?

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