All of this water loss must be replaced to avoid dehydration. Dehydration is more common than people think, and you may not even be aware that it’s affecting your life. Some common signs of dehydration include: headache, excessive thirst, dry mouth, muscle fatigue, dizziness, decreased cognitive ability and sluggishness.
If you are suffering from any of the above symptoms, they might just be resolved with two easy steps. 1. Fill a glass with water. 2. Drink it. Seriously, this simple solution is commonly forgotten and often leads to a constant state of dehydration. Along with suffering from the above symptoms, you may also be missing out on these benefits of a well hydrated body.
- Weight Loss– The body utilizes more fat as fuel because the liver is free to burn stored fat.
- Joint Health– When your body is in need of water your joints are one of the first places it is taken from.%C