Family FitznessHolidays

What are the Odds your Mom wants Chocolate for Mother’s Day?

By April 27, 2011October 26th, 2014One Comment

Photo Credit: S.Alt on


Mother’s Day is coming and I can imagine that all of your Moms have one thing in common – they care about their physique and don’t want to struggle with it because of Mother’s Day. Since you’re here at, I imagine that you too, also care a lot about your health and fitness. Would you want someone to gift you with a frustrating fight against mouth-watering chocolate when you’re trying to maintain your fitness level or possibly even drop a few pounds? Nooo! That’s a cruel scenario and frankly, I think it would be mean to impose it on someone else. Especially your dear sweet mother (or wife).

So here’s what I propose. Unless your Mom specifically asks for a basket of the bad stuff, avoid it all together. Instead, go with some sort of gift which can simply do no harm. Flowers, spa days, jewelry, fitness gear or gift cards are simple standards that will show you care. Taking Mom out for a private lunch date is always nice; my Mom swoons when she gets a one-on-one date with my big brother – yours will too. A pretty hammock, purse or even a new set of tires might bring incredible amounts of joy as well. These gifts are sure not to bring harm or frustration. Love Mom all the way this Mother’s Day and keep her health in your heart!

Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler

Your fitness expert. Master's in Exercise & Sport Sciences. She's taught around the globe for decades and has a stellar knack for yanking the best out of folks who'd like to become more fit. Author, Speaker, TV Personality, Race Announcer, Corporate Spokesperson

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