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This Valentine’s Day, rather than spending the night wining and dining your significant other, get on your feet and move with your love. By motivating each other to get up and go, not only will you continue to stick to those New Year’s Resolutions that you only made a month ago, but you’ll be sharing a fun experience together while learning new exercise moves and staying fit. The following partner exercises can only be done in pairs, so grab your sweetie and get to work!

Alternating Box Jumps
Place a box between you and your partner. Alternating turns, perform fast-paced step ups on the box. If you are at a more advanced fitness level, use your strength to jump onto the box and use your balance to keep yourself steady.

High Five Push-Ups
Begin in push-up position side-by-side your partner. Shift your weight to your outside arms, so that your chest is vertical. Give your partner a high five and return to push-up position. Be sure to switch spots to work both arms. Check out this video featuring several Creative Partner Push-ups.

Dips on Each Other
Have one partner sit on a bench or seat, with their legs slightly spread. The other turns away from them, placing their hands on their partners thighs. Use their thighs as leverage for dips and watch your triceps strengthen. Check out this video featuring several Innovative Partner Exercises.

Give and Take
Stand back-to-back with your partner, with one of you holding a weighted medicine ball. Twist your body to the left, paying attention to keeping your core tight, then do the same on the right. Pass the medicine ball back and forth, alternating directions. Check out this video featuring several Medicine Ball Workouts with a Partner.

Sit-Up Pass
Begin in a sit-up position, with your legs intertwined with your partners. One partner begins with a weighted medicine ball at their chest. Synchronize your sit-ups, passing the medicine ball back and forth between reps.

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