New Year Resolution

We all like to turn a new fresh page and begin chasing a new year resolution at the start of a new year. Because why not, right? It’s easy to start something new on January 1st. In reality, only a few actually stick to their newly formed resolutions. It’s difficult to maintain that new behavior throughout the year – but it becomes easier with identifying the right reasons.

The Reason

Do not create a resolution that is externally motivated. For example, choosing to follow a new trend because it will make you look “cool” or “popular”. Your new year resolution needs to have meaning and value to YOU. Ask yourself if it truly matters to you – because if it does not, then why bother doing it at all? 

Are you doing it because everyone else is? Are you doing it for someone else? Make a new year’s goal that betters your own character and is intrinsically motivated. Put some personal meaning behind your resolution.


When it comes down to it, there are a million ways to define a goal. The more specific you are with your goal, the more specific your route becomes, and the clearer it gets. Do not just state your goal, start asking yourself questions on how you will achieve it. Doing this can help you know exactly what you’re doing, and why.

For example: 

 “I want to look better”. Well, how? What is “better”? Do you want to lose weight? Do you want to gain weight? 


“I want to eat healthy” What is healthy? Are you eating enough fiber? Do you start counting your macros?


“I want to be more fit”  What is your definition of “fit”? Do you go to the gym? Do you want to start running?


Do not keep this resolution to yourself. Find some entrusted friends to keep you aligned with your goal. Tell them you are committed to this change. Self-accountability can be difficult, but when you have others on board to encourage you to keep moving forward, it can help you stay motivated.

Just as Fitz Koehler in her “War on Cancer” podcast says: “Never quit in the eyes of adversity.”

Arise Triumphant When Challenged

Challenges are an opportunity to really evolve your character. If you come up short, roll up your sleeves and get ready to tackle the challenge again. Never quit, surrender, or give up. It is during times of failure or personal struggle where you can see the most significant growth within yourself. 


A perfect example of this is in Fitz Koehler’s book, My Noisy Cancer Comeback. Fitz explains how she remained on her feet while battling cancer. Throughout this book, you 

can read real-life examples of how to remain upright even when life throws you a curveball.

At the end of the day, your will determines where you end up with your goal; with a strong will comes a greater chance at achieving your desired goal. Buckle up, put your sneakers on and run after that new year resolution of yours- it won’t necessarily be easy, but it will definitely be worth it!

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