How Theos Rizos lost 50 pounds!
Theos Rizos, 21, Gainesville, Florida
Profession: Student
How much weight have you lost? 50 pounds
How did you lose it? Doing cardio five days out of the week!
What prompted your weight loss? I didn’t like how I looked, or how I felt.
How long did it take? 5 months
What was the hardest part? Staying away from soda, and other sweet beverages.
Most fun part of your weight loss? Seeing how much weight I’ve lost by standing on a scale.
Most rewarding experience? Getting regular compliments about how much weight I’ve lost.
Who/what inspires you when you feel like quitting? A friend of mine named Michael who also lost a comparable amount of weight.
How has this weight loss changed your life? It has allowed me to take control of my health, and understand the importance of health and fitness.
Have any advice for others who’d like to lose weight? Leap into it! Dieting is also extremely important, but actually starting to engage in cardio is another critical factor. You will see exponential improvement almost immediately.
Your must-have fitness equipment: MP3 player.
Favorite training song: Final countdown
Favorite healthy food: Salad
Favorite not-so-healthy food: Sesame chicken
Funniest experience during your weight loss journey: Seeing a body builder run in a fairy outfit.
Future goals: To work in educational policy
You look incredible, Theos! Keep walking the walk and living a healthy lifestyle. We’re rooting for you.
If you or your friend would like to share your weight loss story, email Fitzness@aol.com. We’ll send you the appropriate questionnaire.