Photo Credit: United States Marine Corp on

Pull-ups and chin-ups are by far, the most important exercises, if you’re looking to build your back strength and size. Pull-ups are one of the most underrated exercises in the gym, as most people don’t realize how many muscles they actually work. Did you know that this one simple maneuver works: latissimus dorsi (lats), rear deltoids, mid/Upper back, biceps, trapezius, rhomboids and forearms? It actually is works your abs and low back as well, because each up down motion requires great core stabilization.

All these muscles are vital in overall back development, as well as in the framework you use on a daily basis when you exercise. Pull-ups can be frustrating as they’re very difficult to become good at them; but, the best advice to overcome that hurdle is … the more you do them, they easier it will become for you to do them. Switch between pull-ups and chin-ups in order to fully grasp how much they do affect your back. You will definitely see an increase in strength and size (if you’re a man) all over the spectrum of your body if you just incorporate pull-ups and chin-ups into your weekly regiment. Watch this video to learn how to get started and progress!

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