With Summer lurking around the corner, it is important to remember to protect yourself from the harmful UV rays that the sun projects. Whether you realize it or not, using sunscreen, SPF is essential and should be applied daily. In fact, it is recommended to wear some SPF daily year-round by most dermatologists. So, it is essential to be made a priority for summer.

Why Do You Need SPF?

Not only does using SPF protect the appearance of your skin and combat aging, but it also can protect you from sunburn, sun poisoning, or skin cancer. It is recommended as a part of your daily routine, even if you spend the day indoors. If that is the case, you likely do not need to worry about reapplication, but it is important to note that if you spend time outdoors often, reapplication may be necessary every couple of hours. Any amount of time in the sun can put you at risk, so it is important not to take SPF applications lightly (Chien, 2022).

Applying Sunscreen

According to dermatologist Anna Lien-Lun Chien, you should acquire sunscreen with SPF protection of at least 30. The higher the protection, the less risk you impose on yourself. The application should be to your face, neck, and body. If you are swimming, you should reapply often to ensure your safety. The rule of thumb is to reapply every two hours, and immediately again after swimming or heavy perspiration (Chien, 2022).

Most people do not use the recommended amount of SPF simply because they aren’t aware of the extent of damage the sun’s UV rays can have. So, it’s essential to remember how frequently and how much sunscreen you should use, according to dermatologists. 


Chien, A. L.-L. (2022, July 20). Sunscreen and Your Morning Routine. Sunscreen and Your Morning Routine . https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/sunscreen-and-your-morning-routine#:~:text=Sun%20protection%20factor%20(SPF)%20represents,for%20sunburns%20and%20skin%20cance

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