Athletes face many hardships; mental and physical factors significantly influence how well an athlete can perform at any moment. Common daily issues such as body soreness and mental stressors are often not managed and pushed aside.


One way to target these issues is through the use of Yoga. Yoga is an ancient practice that works to balance the mind and body. This balance is achieved through exercise, meditation, and the targeting of ones breathing. Yoga has many benefits for strength, balance, and flexibility while calming the mind.


Some benefits of Yoga include:

  1. Increased flexibility
  2. Improved mood
  3. Increased muscle strength
  4. Increased concentration
  5. Improved respiration
  6. The aid of depression and anxiety


There are eight popular styles of Yoga, Ashtanga yoga, Hatha yoga, Hot Yoga, Iyengar Yoga, Kundalini yoga, Power yoga, Restorative Yoga, and Vinyasa yoga.

The three most effective forms of Yoga for athletes are:


Power Yoga

Power yoga is a form of energetic vinyasa yoga. Power yoga is a fast-paced and intense form of Yoga. This form of Yoga emphasizes upper body strength and aids balance. During power yoga, you must flow from one pose to the next.


Yin Yoga

The practice of yin is a slow-paced form of Yoga. This practice allows you to slow down your mind in hopes of calming the mind and alleviating stress. Yin also improves flexibility, reduces muscle tension, and improves blood circulation.


Restorative Yoga

Restorative Yoga is a very low-intensity form of Yoga. The majority of restorative Yoga is spent on the floor or in a lying position. The focus of restorative Yoga is to prioritize slowing the body and developing a sense of calmness. This is an excellent form of Yoga to utilize in times of high anxiety or stress.


These yoga practices are great ways for athletes to re-ground themselves and find ways to calm their minds and bodies. It’s essential to prioritize your mental and physical health consistently, and Yoga is a great way to do just that!

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