Next time you feel groggy, instead of reaching for a coffee or energy drink, think about taking a power nap. According to Dr. Sara Mednick, power naps maximize the positive benefits of sleep including hormonal maintenance, cell repair, increased cognition and improved heart function while only requiring about 20 minutes. Sleep occurs in five different stages, and an entire cycle can take anywhere from 90 to 120 minutes. However, power napping only concerns the first two stages, which include sinking into sleep and light restful sleep. One thing to keep in mind while power napping is to not sleep for too long (max 20-30 minutes). If you sleep longer than this, your body will enter into a deep sleep called slow-wave sleep. Waking up in this stage will cause a phenomenon known as sleep inertia, which causes the body to feel very stiff as if you are unable to get up, your mind will feel slow and your eyes will take an extended time to fully focus. Dr. Mednick’s research has also shown that these naps can improve memory, lift a persons mood and greatly decrease stress.
If you are interested in about learning more about naps check out Dr. Mednick’s book Take a Nap! Change Your Life.