Photo Credit: Sweet Flour Bake Shop on

So you’re trying to be healthy and you do great all day, and then it happens. Out of nowhere. You want it. No, you have to have it. All it takes is one comment about ice cream, or seeing somebody eat a cookie that sets off the dreaded sweet tooth. Scientists have discovered that sugar stimulates the brain to release dopamine, a “feel good” brain chemical that gives off a natural high. So, what CAN you choose that’s sweet that won’t ruin your diet?

  • Low-fat chocolate milk: Makes a great-post workout drink to replenish your body, too!
  • Smoothie: Throw in some fresh fruit and stick to low-fat dairy products.
  • Cereal: Aim for at least 3-5 grams of fiber per serving.
  • Fruit: Try freezing it! Frozen grapes make exceptionally delicious snacks.
  • Non-fat frozen yogurt: Just be careful with the toppings. Stay away from candy options and stick with the fresh fruit.
  • Peanut butter: Use it as a topping or eat it by itself. It’s packed with protein and will fill you up quickly. It’s also very high in calories, so keep that in mind and use it sparingly.

If you feel like you HAVE to have the item of your choice, then it’s advised to have just one small serving to satisfy your craving. Sometimes, people wind up actually eating double the calories trying to make up for the desired item. Portion control is key.

One Comment

  • Anna Bortion says:

    That happens to me all the time!… Especially after I eat oysters. I just want it! No…I NEED it! I def have a sweet tooth. I need that cream in my mouth. I like chocolate or vanilla ..what can i say 😉 When I do eat it it def does stimulate me like you said. I get so high after I eat the creamy goodness, naturally high that is 😉 One question though? You talk about replacing the sweets with nuts. I never really liked nuts. Guess I’m just not that kind of girl. You suggest anything other than the nuts?

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