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In this series, Surprising Ways to Slash 500 Calories, we discuss a variety of ways you can easily eliminate 500 calories from your daily routine resulting in an easy weight loss of one pound per week. You may not even think these food or beverage items “count”, but they do. Our job is to help you in your weight loss goals and even if you were to burn one less calorie day; it would add up over time.

CrossFit has caught fire throughout the fitness world and has been deemed one of the most popular new trends in fitness. In most cases, you need to attend cross fit classes to maximize your results; however, there have been many video segments published on youtube which will allow you to do CrossFit at home, or learn how to do it on an individual basis. A 155 lbs person can burn roughly 563 calories during an hour-long CrossFit workout This of course, can vary based on the moves of the day!

CrossFit is used in many police academies, tactical schools, and even army/navy workouts to establish real world strength, power, and ultimate conditioning. It’s easy for a beginner to learn how to do on a beginner level, and work their way toward a more advanced level. CrossFit is a basic strength and conditioning system built on constantly, varied if not randomized, functional movements executed at high intensity. They are essentially natural, primal movements.

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