Photo Credit: Rennett Stowe on

In this series, Surprising Ways to Slash 500 Calories, we discuss a variety of ways you can easily eliminate 500 calories from your daily routine resulting in an easy weight loss of one pound per week. You may not even think these food or beverage items “count”, but they do. Our job is to help you in your weight loss goals and even if you were to burn one less calorie day; it would add up over time.

Do you have a habit of talking with your hands? Tapping your foot? Twirling your hair? Good! Fidgeting is one of the best ways to cut calories without any effort. James Levine, M.D., Ph.D., has shown that those who fidget and gesture more can burn as many as 350 calories extra calories per day- which could add up to 36 POUNDS lost per year. Making simple changes into your everyday routine could go a long way after all. These activities are considered non-exercise activity thermogenesis, which basically translates to simply moving more.

Such activities can involve pacing when you’re talking on the phone, laughing, and simply standing up instead of sitting down. (Here’s to being a gentleman, guys! Give up your seat with the incentive that you’re burning more as you do it.) Who knew burning calories could be so easy? If you’re already a fidgeter, plan to pace EVEN MORE to make it all the way to 500 calories a day!

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