As the flowers begin to blossom and springtime rolls in, numerous fruits are harvested specific to spring and an abundance  fill the shelves at our favorite grocery stores and fresh markets. Enjoy them now while they are the most ripe and plentiful:

FreeDigitalPhotos.netLemons. Rich in Vitamin C, lemons aid in protecting your body from colds and are also used to treat a variety of health conditions.

Strawberries. Lots of fiber, vitamins and other nutrients are packed into those delicious strawberries!

Kiwi. Another fruit with a high amount of vitamin C, kiwi serves many purposes, including improving heart health.


Grapefruit. High in vitamin C, grapefruit improves your bad cholesterol and has been proven to help prevent kidney stones.

Cherries. Effective for improving joint and muscular pains!

Blueberries. Good source of antioxidants. Blueberries help strengthen the immune system, improve general health and can help with weight loss.

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Pineapple. High in vitamin C and can be used as a remedy for different infections of the throat.

Watermelon. Strong source of vitamin A, B and C. Watermelon has been proven to help with many health issues and can decrease blood pressure.


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