Achieving Ultimate FitznessWeight Loss

Spring Break Jumpstart

By February 17, 2012October 29th, 2014No Comments
Photo credit: Vaughn Nelson

Photo credit: Vaughn Nelson

The New Years resolution blitz might be waning, but there’s motivation looming on the horizon for college students everywhere; Spring Break. If you have a tropical destination in mind or just want to get a jump-start on beach season, give these methods a shot to accelerate your metabolism and your progress.

Add Something New! If your workouts always keep you in the weight room, try adding a short cardio session after each workout. 30 minutes each day will do wonders for your fat loss goals. If cardio is your thing then add a few weight lifting sessions each week. Just switch it up. Any additional exercise you add to your current program will only increase the amount of fat you burn.

Put the drink down! Alcohol really is your physiques worst enemy. Not only is it filled with empty calories, but it actually increases your appetite too. People tend to eat 20% more than usual when alcohol is consumed before the meal. All those extra calories can sabotage any fitness program.

Eliminate your vice. Everyone has their own food weakness. Chocolate, chips, pizza etc. Whatever your vice is, cut it out for the next month. Let it serve as the tangible representation of your fitness goal. Every time a craving hits, just tell yourself that you’re trading this for the body of your dreams. This discipline will go a long way towards achieving your goal.

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