Fit Food and Recipes

How to Snack Your Way to Success

By October 18, 2011October 26th, 2014No Comments

Photo Credit: WinterSoul1 on

Snacking is a part of every day life. Realistically we can’t avoid it (even though we all wish we could.) Come the middle of the afternoon your tummy’s making some crazy noises and dinner time seems like it’s years away. So what do you do? You start snacking and before you know it … you’ve eaten so much that you feel like you will never be hungry again. Well there is a solution to smart snacking and we are here to help! Remember to keep snacking to actual “snack-size” portions! You’re not having another meal – you’re having a snack! Remember that when choosing serving sizes. Choose items high in either protein, fiber or both. They’ll be more filling, thus more likely to satisfy you until your next meal.

  • Many times when you think you are hungry you are really thirst. Grab a big glass of water and see if the hunger diminishes.
  • Avoid candy bars, because they are mainly filled with sugar that will leave you feeling hungrier.
  • Choose 100 calorie packs (they are a GREAT snack portion!)
  • Hummus with carrots and celery is both a high in fiber and protein. Portion out the serving on your plate instead of eating right out of the container)
  • Air popped mini bag popcorn (a bag of popcorn gives you the illusion that you are eating a lot which will trick your body into making you feel full.)
  • Chocolate lovers – dark chocolate is the way to go.
  • A handful of almonds-excellent pre or post workout snack.
  • Sprinkle some splenda over a bowl of berries for a sweet guilt-free treat.
  • Sugar free jello with cool whip lite – guiltless indulgence!
  • Whole wheat English muffin with a little peanut butter for some protein.

Look at all these options!! Snacking can become your best friend when you realize how to snack right. Keep yourself on the right track during the middle of the day and see how good you will start to feel about yourself.

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