Photo Credit: SPC Brass on

It seems like this time of the year, you wake up feeling sick every time you turn around. For many, the worst part about it may be the inability to leave the house for a run without feeling worse afterwords.  The good news is that you can complete a solid workout under your own roof, without having to do laps around the neighborhood in the cold. If you’re feeling up for it, hop off of the couch and give these exercises which you can do as SLOWLY as you’d like a try!

  • Wall Sits: Stand in front of a wall and lean against it to where it looks like you are sitting down in a chair, with your knees at a 90 degree angle. Hold this for 20-60 seconds per set while keeping abs contracted.
  • Fire Hydrants: Begin on all fours with your back straight. Lift leg to a 90 degree angle from the rest of your body, similar to that of a dog peeing on a fire hydrant. Return back to original position and repeat, alternate using both legs.
  • Planks: Lie face down, resting on forearms, palms flat on the floor. Push up, resting on elbows and raising up onto toes in what looks like the push up position. Keep your back flat and your butt down, hold for 20-60 seconds, a repeat for 3-5 reps
  • Push ups
  • Crunches or creative abdominal training.
  • Lunges
  • Squats
  • Lift dumbbells
  • Stretch
  • Yoga

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