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Sexy Partner Workout for 2

By October 3, 2010October 26th, 2014No Comments

Working out with DVDs at home is certainly a great way to get fit without a gym membership or facing ugly elements outdoors, but the down side is that training this way can be a bit unmotivating and lonely. Enter the WeFitFor2 training DVDs. This three disk set of exercise videos is meant for you and your “partner”, ideally a romantic one, to work out together. The concept is innovative, and the instructor, Dean Graham, really does a great job of explaining how each move should be done. The exercises are sound and utilize body weight for resistance; some of them I even use with my personal training clients.

Here’s the fun/funny part of this video. Many of the moves are extremely intimate; not to be immature about it, but I really wouldn’t want to do some of these moves with anyone but my husband. This workout will suit you if you’re either wildly comfortable smooshing your body up against just any one’s body or you can convince your romantic partner to give it a go with you. During the introduction, the instructor even suggests trying this workout together in place of a date. Not a bad idea!

Overall, the moves are challenging and the guidance you’ll receive is pretty thorough. I always tell my students that they should understand their body mechanics well enough, so that they can work out at both the fanciest health clubs in the world or in the desert with no equipment. This is a smart exerciser’s desert workout. Also of note is the slightly “pornish” music playing throughout the video. It’s not a full “bow-chica-bow-wow”, but it’s close.

I give this video an A+. It’s innovative, provides a legitimately sturdy workout and technically could serve as foreplay. Who could ask for more?

Retail: $39.95

Use Coupon Code WFFOR2 and recieve 20% off your purchase!

Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler

Your fitness expert. Master's in Exercise & Sport Sciences. She's taught around the globe for decades and has a stellar knack for yanking the best out of folks who'd like to become more fit. Author, Speaker, TV Personality, Race Announcer, Corporate Spokesperson

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