Photo Credit: Lululemon Athletica on

The key to being successful in anything that you do fitness-wise is staying motivated. You may get stuck, or hit a wall in certain situations; however, the best way to move past these short periods of what seems to be failure is to keep yourself inspired. You’re not a quitter and of course if you were, you’d regret it. So let’s keep your momentum moving and continue to near your goals.

  • Write your goals down, and read them every day
  • Have a poster or picture hanging in your room or somewhere in your house that shows what you want to accomplish
  • Take one goal at a time, achieve it, and move on to the next goal
  • Always think about the positives, and never focus on the negatives – Be a Tigger, not an Eeyore!
  • Reach out to your friends and family for support
  • Make workouts as fun as possible
  • If you hate workout #1, give workout #2 a shot. There is so one-size-fits-all fitness plan!
  • Always be open to learning new things/trying new things

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