If you just dabble in the world of running, you might be unfamiliar or unaware of a hilariously beautiful concept, runner’s pee. Yes, it means exactly what you think it does; a runner having to relieve him or herself mid-race. The concept ranges from one of hilarity to that of seriousness. Although it is a laugh-out-loud concept, it is actually a condition that some runners can’t help.
- The ones who do it on purpose. These guys are the peak of hilarity and admiration all around because they pee themselves proudly during race time. “Stop during a race just to relieve my bladder? No thank you!” These are the hardcore runners who will only make time for what’s important- making their personal record (PR).
PR-ing > PEE-ing (in private)

Photo by Jon-Eric Melsaeter on Flickr.com
- The ones who do it by accident once or twice. These are your up-and-coming intense runners who are starting to shift to a more goal-oriented race approach. To explain, the accidental pee-ers are those who are pushing so hard in the race that their body simply lets go of the bladder without conscious thought. In my book, this could happen enough times to shift anyone to the peak of runner’s pee.
- The ones who can’t help it. These are the people I mentioned earlier who physically cannot control their bladders. They are often younger individuals still on cross country teams with their peers or women who’ve had the luxurious experience of birthing babies. If you can imagine this is the more serious of “runner’s pee” levels causing a lot of embarrassment. This concept is called urinary incontinence or runner’s bladder. Hopefully with age, medical intervention or physical therapy, these individuals will become purposeful pee-ers who embrace their runner quirk and use it to their advantage, owning race after race.
If runner’s pee is a legitimate issue for you, remember that Kegel exercises are your friend and can help you remain in control on race day, if that is what you desire. For those purposeful pee-ers out there, I salute you.