63, Sales, Essexville, Michigan

The old Ross.
How much weight have you lost? 160 pounds
What was the old you like? I was in pretty bad shape. I had a couple of severe bouts of pneumonia, and I smoked two to three packs of cigarettes a day. I had to take a break half way up my steps to the bedroom because I was out of breath. I had high blood pressure. I was borderline Type 2 Diabetes. I was sick a lot. I was obese, but refused to admit it. I was in a bad physical and mental state.
What prompted your weight loss? All of the above and I wanted to live as long as I could. I remember thinking to myself that if God wants to take me it is in his hands, but I was no longer going to contribute to an early demise.
How did you lose the weight? I have always struggled with my weight. I was like a yo-yo. One year I would be about 200 or so pounds, and the next year I would be 240. Up down, up down. Then, middle age came upon me and major changes in my lifestyle occurred around my 40th, 50th and 60th year of life. I got divorced when I was 38 and soon-after realized I was an alcoholic; I quit drinking at the age of 40. I met my current wife at 42 and by the time I was in my late 40’s, I was up to the 340-350 range. So after trying exercise and just about every diet under the sun at that time … and because I had suffered a couple major bouts of pneumonia, my doctor and I agreed I needed to do something drastic to take the weight off. I went and had Bariatric surgery. By the way, I also still smoked two to three packs of Kool cigarettes a day as well as drank two to three pots of coffee a day. In both my doctor and my opinion, I was on my way to an early grave. I had the surgery and it was a success and I got down to about 200 pounds. I took up inline speed skating for exercise and that was about all I did for exercise. As far as nutrition goes, because of the
surgery, the amount of food I put into my body was reduced, but I continued to eat what I had always eaten – just in smaller amounts. Over the years, I gradually put weight back on until I hit the 240-245 range. About four years ago, I decided I need to lose the weight again before it got out of hand. I started exercising and made minor changes to my nutrition and over the course of two years I go down to the 210-215 range. Not bad, but my goal was to get to 190. Over the next two years, no matter what I did I could not get out of that 210-215 range. Then, in December of 2016 I was introduced to Fitz Koehler and her Exact Formula for Weight Loss. I remember reading it and when I was done saying to myself, “no way, it cannot be this easy.” What the heck did I have to lose but weight? Nothing else was working, so on December 15 of 2016 I committed to the Formula. In mid-March of 2017 I hit my 190 pound goal. I have stuck with the Formula and have not, nor will I look back. I now want to get down to 185 and am currently at 186. These last few pounds are the hardest to take off, but I know I will get there soon.
How long did it take? So far, I am in the fifteen years or so of this journey.
What was the hardest part? These last 30 or so pounds.
Most fun part of my weight loss? To be able to do things like speed skate and run and not be out of breath. Fifteen years ago, if you had told me that I would be a speed skater and a runner, I would have thought you were crazy. I had never done either activity and to start them in my 50’s and 60’s …. what are you thinking?
Most rewarding experience? When I get to share Fitz and the Formula with others that want to live a more rewarding and healthier life,
Who/what inspires you when you feel like quitting? Three things. First, I have a picture of me looking rather large wearing my 3X form fitting shirt in my home gym (yes, I have one of them now) by the light switch. When I turn the lights on and see the picture I say to myself “never again”. Second, I have a banner hung in the gym with a quote from legendary University of Michigan football coach, Bo Schembechler. It reads, “those who stay will be champions.” When I see that, it tells me to stay the course and I am a champion even if it is only in my eyes. Thirdly but not lastly, the Hotties. I love being a Hottie and belonging to the Hottie Body Fitzness Challenge. The posts and replies to posts are both edifying and inspirational.
How has this weight loss changed your life? I am much happier now both with my physical appearance and mental health.
Have any advice for others who would like to lose weight? Join the Hottie Body Fitzness Challenge, listen to Fitz and do her daily workouts. Stay the course, you will achieve your goals if you believe.
Your must have fitness equipment? My speedskates and running shoes.
Favorite training song? Thunderstruck by ACDC
Favorite healthy food? A Kind bar.
Favorite not so healthy food? Oatmeal raisin cookie.
Funniest/weirdest/most awkward experience during your weight loss journey? I really can’t think of one.
Future goals? In the last three years, I have run many 5K’s and just completed my first 10K. I want to complete a half marathon by the time I turn 65 and complete a full marathon before I turn 66. I turn 65 in one year, so as Fitz says “get to work”
Anything else you would like to add? Just this. For those of you out there who want to lose weight, join the Hottie Body Fitzness Challenge, read the Exact Formula for Weight Loss and follow Fitz. Then commit to all three of the above and stay the course. I promise, you will be amazed by the results and you will save a ton of money by not purchasing phony diets, exercise programs, supplements and snake oils that do nothing but take money out of your pocket and put it in others. Save your money, you will look great and be a member the Hotties for life. Now make the decision and “get to work.”