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Roll Away your Aches and Pains

By February 16, 2012October 29th, 2014No Comments


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If you exercise regularly, and if your reading this your probably do, then you’re no stranger to the aches and pains that go along with an active lifestyle. While a sports massage every couple weeks would probably do wonders, it’s not exactly a budget friendly option. Fortunately, you can derive many of the same benefits at home with the use of a foam roller.

Foam rollers can be used on every part of your body, but they are exceptionally effective loosening up tightness and relieving pain in your upper back, hips, and upper legs.  Foam rolling can initially be a little painful, but after a few minutes the tender areas will loosen up. The pressure and movement of the foam roller stretches out the fibrous fascia that surrounds the muscle and breaks down muscle adhesions (AKA knots) that cause soreness and muscle stiffness.

Want to give it a shot? Many gyms carry them now and they can be found online and most sporting goods store for around 20$. Check out this video so Fitz can show you exactly how to use both the foam roller and The Stick!




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