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Want to improve your health? Go hang out with your friends. Studies show that close friendships may be the golden key to your health. Being surrounded by those you love and enjoy being around actually makes you less stressed, less likely to engage in risky behavior, and more likely to take better care of yourself in general. On the contrary, loneliness is as bad for you as smoking FIFTEEN cigarettes a day. This reinforces the point that social butterflies have a greater chance of living longer and actually aging more gracefully.

Researchers at the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago report that seniors, in particular, who are more socially active are more likely to retain mobility as they get older. Sociable seniors are even reported to walk faster than their peers who don’t get out as much. Researchers are now looking more into loneliness, and how it can be as damaging as alcoholism and smoking. The fact of the matter is that when you belong to a group, you feel responsible for something in the dynamic. You could be a father, responsible for setting a good example for your kids. You could be a member of a sports team, responsible for staying in shape so that you don’t let your team members down. Whatever you are, you know you need to do your part. So go out and mingle! You really can get by with a little help from your friends.


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