We have all experienced our fair share of stress before a busy day. Anxiety is often most prominent in the early hours of the day when the stress hormone known as “cortisol” is at its peak. Many who struggle with anxiety often dread mornings, but morning anxiety can be reduced in many ways. Practicing things such as meditation, getting a good night’s rest, stretching, and various other things have been proven helpful. 

One way to reduce the onset of anxiety is through planning. Planning allows the mind to feel a sense of preparation and control for the day ahead. If you go to sleep feeling comfortable with your game plan when you wake, you’ll reduce stress significantly.

A planner is a wise way to map out everything that needs to be accomplished daily. This, too, allows you to get organized in advance and keep yourself as you work through your tasks. 

When planning your daily schedule, prioritize these five steps

  1. Highlighting important deadlines
  2. Mark important tasks
  3. Divide the day into time slots based on events
  4. Allocate extra time in case something unexpected happens
  5. Be flexible

Planning ahead also enables you to utilize all of the time you are given each day without feeling like you are always trying to beat the clock. As Fitz always says, “Control what you can.”

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