Ann Tomaschik, San Jose, CA, 29, housewife
What inspired you to start doing races?
I started running in high school as a way to relieve stress and clear my head. I started racing because my hometown Atlanta held the Peachtree Road Race and some friends dared me to. When you’re 16 and your friends dare you it’s hard to say no.
Do you walk, run or run/walk, swim, cycle, do obstacles?
I run/walk. Between a bad knee and hip it was the only way I was cleared to run in high school and it stuck. I still do it to this day.
What distances do you do?
I’ve done all the big distances now. I think my favorite is the half marathon, but I do a lot of 10ks.
How many have you done?
I’ve done nine half marathons and too many 10ks to count.

What do you feel is your greatest race accomplishment?
I completed the Dopey Challenge (5k, 10k, 13.1 and 26.2 on consecutive days in January 2016. It was my first marathon and doing it with a labral tear in my left hip was something I wasn’t sure I could do.
Favorite race and why?
The Peachtree Road Race. It’s a 10k held on the Fourth of July. It was my first race and the only race I did in high school. Something about the heat, people, and t-shirt just means so much to me.
Do you travel for races?
I do some. Mainly for Disney and races in my hometown because it’s a good tie in to go back and visit family.
Does your race schedule become expensive? How do you afford to make it happen?
It has become expensive and I’m doing less then I have in the past. I have a very loving and supportive family that gifts me gift cards, items, and registrations to keep me going. Running where you have family is nice as they’ll house you, feed you, and transport you for free.
Must-have gear on race day:
I have to have my headphones.
Weirdest place you’ve ever chafed:
Weirdly I’ve never had any real chafing. Only on my feet when trying to find a good sock.
Do you prefer to run in warm weather or cold weather?
I love to run in the heat. If it’s 75 or higher I’m in my element as long as there isn’t too much humidity.
Favorite pre-race meal/snack:
A bagel with peanut butter and a coke.
Weirdest/funniest thing you’ve ever experienced at a race:
The 2014 and 2015 Wine and Dine Half Marathons. 2014 was the first time I had ever seen rain during a race or training run coming from dry California. 2015 with the humidity and delay it wasn’t something I had ever or could ever train for and I think became my hardest 10k I’ve ever done.
Worst experience during a race:
The Rock n Roll San Jose Half/10k. I was signed up to run the half and around mile five I was about 10 minutes ahead of my current personal record when I started getting sharp pain in my hip so bad I had to walk. I ended up downgrading to the 10k and having a good cry at the end, but it was the right call. A week later I was diagnosed with a labral tear in my left hip.
Most awesome moment you’ve ever had at a race:
During the Disney World Half Marathon, the humidity had gotten to me
and I thought I wasn’t going to finish. I was walking when some teammates passed me and I asked to run some intervals with them to see if I could get myself going again. I stayed with them for over a mile using an interval I had never run before. It got my legs moving again and back in a better head space.

Do you wear costumes? If so, what’s been your favorite?
I do for Disney races. I try to always be some version of Goofy for every half I do. My favorite costume so far has to be The Great Goofini I had created for Marathon Weekend and wore it for the half marathon. Viking Goofy was a huge favorite of mine. It was fun and different and made use of my collection of Goofy hats.
How important are awesome medals to you?
They don’t have to be awesome. They can be basic and plain, but I like getting the medal because it shows I did it. For me that’s a motivator to keep going.
Best medal you’ve earned so far:
My Goofy medal. He’s my favorite character and was the medal I started running Disney to earn. Those two races were also really hard on me between the weather and my hip injury.
Do you prefer to run alone or with a buddy?
I enjoy running alone. I’m getting better running in a group, but running for me has been a stress relief and running in a group can be very stressful to me with people running different speeds and intervals I don’t want anyone falling behind.
Favorite song on your playlist:

Who is your race hero and why?
It sounds egotistical, but, myself. I don’t look up to anyone else. I inspire myself to get going. I spent 12 years in chronic knee pain unable to run that now when I don’t feel like getting out there I remind myself of those years and how I missed running. Now I run half marathons and a marathon. In high school, I was told I’d never make it past the 10k distance and might not be able to do that for very long. Now I’ve done a marathon and the Dopey Challenge.
What is the top race on your bucket list?
It was the Disney World Marathon. Now that I’ve checked that off the list I think Chicago or New York.
What has been the best physical side effect of your participation in races?
I take much better care of myself now. I drink more water. I also see my doctors if I have a pain or something feels off for too long, instead of living through it.
Your advice for others who might be intimidated by signing up for a race:
Find a local themed race that interests you. Maybe a FroYo or one with a route right along the beach that’s beautiful. Then print out a picture and put it somewhere you can see it everyday. It’s great motivation if you can see what you’re training for.
Anything else you’d like to add?
Injuries are serious. Rest and see your doctor and follow their instructions. It’s hard I know, but you can also sometimes strengthen other areas to help. It’s how I was still able to do Dopey safely. I worked with my doctors and physical therapist to come up with a plan to safely do it. I followed every step and completed it still feeling good.