Because even when you’re in a rush, breakfast is still the most important meal of the day! Here is some breakfast inspiration for the busiest of mornings! 

Yogurt with Granola and Berries (A personal favorite and my go-to every morning)

My fridge will never be seen without vanilla Two Good Yogurt inside of it! This yogurt is made from clean ingredients and contains high nutritional value. It is the perfect base for my granola and berry obsession! 

Add your favorite granola and fruit to your yogurt and you have a delicious, protein packed breakfast that will keep you feeling full for hours! 

Pro tip: Add a tablespoon of nut butter for an even better taste!

Six Ingredient Breakfast Quiche 

A little meal-prep never hurt anybody! This is a perfect recipe to make at the beginning of each week. All you have to do is heat it up on a busy morning!


  1. 5 eggs 
  2. ¾ cup of reduced fat / 1% / or skim milk (my personal preference) 
  3. Steamed broccoli (however much you desire) 
  4. 1 cup of cheddar cheese
  5. ½ tsp of salt 
  6. ¼ tsp pepper 


Preheat your oven to 375 degrees 

Steam the broccoli and then cut it into small pieces

Mix together the eggs, milk, salt and pepper

Toss in the broccoli and cheese 

Add to a whole wheat pie crust (found in the frozen isle – I usually use a deep dish) OR you can go crustless and add to a round oven safe dish (spray with Pam!) 

Pop in the oven and cook for 35-40 minutes 

Pro tip: Add, remove, or modify the recipe to your specific taste! Sometimes I add onion or mushrooms. 

Yogurt Smoothie 

Have a blender on-hand? Give this low calorie, vitamin-C packed recipe a go! All you need is these ingredients:

1 cup of frozen fruit

 ½ cup of yogurt of your choice (non-fat, dairy-free, etc)

¼ cup of milk (add more milk for a looser consistency)

Pro tip #1: Add a nut butter of your choice for a salty kick! 

Pro tip #2: Top off your smoothie with your favorite granola 

No matter how busy your mornings are, it is so important to never skip breakfast! Carve out ten extra minutes in the morning to ensure that you begin your day with a healthy, quick and delicious recipe! 


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