Achieving Ultimate FitznessGiveaways

PROSPECS: Scary Stats on Sitting and a Sneaker Winner Chosen

By May 15, 2013October 29th, 2014No Comments

Congratulations Charlotte Sheets! She’s the winner of an awesome pair of Prospecs Power Walk Sneakers! She’s a big walker, it seems as she said in her entry, “my favorite walk is up to the fire lookout at the north side of Lake Tahoe. It’s about an hour round trip, straight up and then quick down. Quite the workout and quite the view at the top!” We’re so excited for you Charlotte. How about you send us a photo of you in your new shoes up by that fire! Thanks to everyone who entered, and thanks to Prospecs for sponsoring this great giveaway. Thanks for also sending along this great info today!

PROSPECS is a footwear company that wants people to take a stand against sitting. First ask yourself, how long have you been sitting today?
Some Scary Facts (and there are more where that came from

  • The Average American sits for 9.3 hours a day and sleeps for 7.7 hours. Do you go from sitting at your desk to sitting on transportation to sitting on your couch? You might want to change that:
  • Regardless of sex, age and body mass, people over 45 who sat more than 11 hours a day had a 40 percent higher risk of dying within three years.
  • Right after you sit down, the electrical activity in your muscles slows down and your calorie-burning rate drops to one calorie per minute.
  • Dr. Emma Wilmot found that people who sit for several hours a day have a two-fold increase in their risk of diabetes, heart disease, and death – even if they exercise

Why Walking Is a Great Solution

  • Walking puts less physical stress on the body – generally a runner lands on his feet with two to three times the impact of walking
  • 99% of people have the fitness level to be able to walk
  • Walking for ten minutes three times a day is better than consecutive exercise at reducing blood pressure and improving plasma levels and insulin lipids
  • Walking burns 3-5 times the calories than sitting does.
  • It’s easy to incorporate into your day: instead of having that meeting at a table, take it to the streets or the hallways of your building, walk down the hall to speak with your coworker instead of emailing him/her, walk to work, and take the stairs.

Why PROSPECS is the sole-mate for those who want to Take a Stand

  • Whether you choose to stand at your desk or incorporate more walking into your day, PROSPECS have a Flubber insole for premium comfort and cushioning with technology that reduces aches and pains.
  • As a walking-specific shoe, PROSPECS will stablize you feet with their MoveFrame technology to prevent injury and correct technique for perfect biomechanical movement.

Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler

Your fitness expert. Master's in Exercise & Sport Sciences. She's taught around the globe for decades and has a stellar knack for yanking the best out of folks who'd like to become more fit. Author, Speaker, TV Personality, Race Announcer, Corporate Spokesperson

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