Achieving Ultimate Fitzness

Pronation Control: How to Find the Best Stability Running Shoes

By October 2, 2019October 17th, 2019No Comments

Many people may underestimate the true value of quality running shoes, but that is only because they might not know any better. These shoes can make or break your running experience. They can highly affect your health and can save you from several common injuries.

Understanding the Basics 

There is a lot of footwear that looks really cool, design-wise. But, you can’t just go about buying shoes solely based on their appearance, especially when it comes to performance shoes. In order for you to know which is the right one for you, you need to learn about your running style and pronation control. 

We all have different running styles. Some of us have neutral pronation, overpronation, and supination. Neutral pronation is ideal. The other styles can cause issues, which is why you should know about pronation control. 

Pronation itself is the rolling of the foot as you run. Pronation soles control limit or prevent this from happening. They also help your body balance out your weight as your heel hits the ground and takes off again. 

Your Running Style

You might not be familiar with yours, but don’t worry … you can figure out your running style by observing your patterns on the soles. If the soles are worn out in certain spots, then these are your pressure zones. So, if the inward souls are worn out you might have an overpronation running style. Which will make you want to buy stability shoes. When you’re looking for stability running shoes for support make sure that they have thick soles on the midsoles so that they can absorb the shock and you can run pain-free. It’s advisable that you also look at different reviews so you can understand which shoe would suit you best.

The Cushioning

Another vital element that you need to know about is the cushioning. It’s located between the upper and lower soles. But that’s not all to it, you also need to know about the type of cushioning. So far, there are about five materials that you can choose from. There’s the TPU, which is a type of plastic that helps stabilization. But, if you want something for running on top of harsh grounds, then you should pick shanks. They protect your foot from rocky surfaces and help you run smoothly. There are also two types of EVA foams available. The firm foam may last longer, but it might not be as comfortable as the normal foam. Similar to shanks, plates also protect you from harsh surfaces, however, it’s not as thick.

While this article was designed to make you aware of the issues, you’d be best served walking into a running specialty store and asking for support from someone who truly understands these concepts and knows how to help. Your minimum wage employee at a big box retailer will not likely have enough savvy to be able to steer you properly. Take the time. Make the effort. With the proper footwear, your runs make become dramatically more comfortable, and you may make the kind of progress you’ve been wishing for!m Just try to remember how important pronation issues can be and your path to finding the right soles will be clear!

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