Photo Credit: JolieNY on

Are you planning a Thanksgiving or other holiday party this season? If you are, then listen up. This may seem like a far-fetched idea, but….it doesn’t HAVE to be stressful! Planning a party, get-together, or dinner can often feel like a disaster waiting to happen, and can place a lot of unnecessary stress on you and your family. Regardless of how buried you may feel in tasks and preparations, remember to take some “me” time and collect yourself and your thoughts before getting burned out!

Here are some fantastic tips to follow to help with the burden of the holiday season:

  • Write things down. Make lists. Organize categories and delegate tasks to your family members. Seeing things on paper such as guest lists, menus, and shopping lists can give you a fresh perspective and take a huge burden off of your mind. Thoughts and tasks aren’t floating around in your head, which gives you peace of mind and clarity. If you like to be in control of all the preparations, delegating tasks to other members of your family may seem daunting, but you will accomplish more as a team and build bonds!
  • Plan a BYOD – Bring Your Own Dish. Potluck-style affairs tend to “kill 2 birds with one stone.” They satisfy the guests’ desire to not show up empty-handed, and allow you to allocate more time to other preparations. Get specific and make a sign-up sheet so you don’t end up with five desserts!
  • If a potluck isn’t your style, or you would prefer to provide the entire menu yourself, look over your recipes and dishes about a week in advance and make a schedule for preparations. Consider what can be cooked or baked a few days beforehand without spoiling and do your best to prepare as much as possible as early as possible. If you can do it today, why wait for tomorrow? You never know what surprises await you, and you don’t want to get stuck leaving everything until the last minute!
  • Be prepared with a range of activities for any kids you may have visiting. A movie or some unique crafts are great ideas. Try this Disney Family Fun page to get some ideas!
  • Take some time to plan out a musical playlist for the night. This will give you a chance to relax, enjoy your tunes, get in the holiday spirit, and feel prepared with entertainment for the night. Make it a family event and have everyone pitch in with some song ideas!
  • Lastly, plan a fun, relaxing activity for the day after the big event. It may seem like another thing to plan and worry about, but when the day comes, you will definitely thank yourself! Keep things simple with  a walk in the park, a stroll to see holiday lights, a playground date, or even a trip to the movies. You deserve a treat for all your hard work!

Being a host may not be the easiest thing to do, but taking things one step at a time and recruiting help from others will make it much more enjoyable and stress-free! Please use our comment section to share your advice for planning parties without feeling pooped!

Sources: 10 Steps to a Stress Free Thanksgiving and How Baby Boomers Can Reduce Thanksgiving Stress

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