Going for a walk with your dog can be beneficial to your health, your dog’s health and can also be a lot of fun. The duration and vigor of your walk can be determined by your dog’s age, breed, and fitness level, but most dogs will be thrilled to simply get out and get moving. And the reality is, most need to be walked at least once daily. There is no exercise partner more motivated than your furry friend wagging its tail by the door. So, grab a leash and go!

A regular walk has similar benefits in dogs as it has in humans. Whether you’re walking on two feet or four paws, everyone’s cardiovascular fitness will be improved. Walking is crucial in keeping everyone fit, mobile, and healthy. It’s also a powerful way to bond. Dogs love to see the outdoors, explore new smells, and be meet new friends. Taking your dog for a walk will make them so happy, you’re bound to be rewarded with an abundance of kisses!

Being outside is great for everyone as sunlight is an excellent source of Vitamin D! Vitamin D is imperative in bone health and immune health for you and your dog. Going for a walk will allow you and your dog to feel energized and strong. You’ll also experience some mental relief as you release pent-up energy by hitting the pavement. Exercise is proven to help ease the mind and decrease stress, so for the sake of you and your furry best friend, taking a walk is totally paw-some idea!

Image by Blue Bird from Pexels

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