Comedians are often goofballs all-around, and many have used weight gain as a source for laughs (Chris Farley, John Belushi, John Candy). They say funny things and sometimes take great pride in looking funny too! We appreciate all comedians, but especially love the ones who can rock a great body while STILL making us pee our pants. Now THAT my friends, is our definition of “the total package”.
#1 Dane Cook
As a stand-up comedian and actor, Dane Cook has already released five comedy albums and he has appeared in dozens of TV shows and movies including Employee of the Month and Good Luck Chuck. Dane has always been into fitness and by the look of his abs, he’s still makes it a top priority to stay as healthy as possible. He finds ways to fit a work out in every day, even when he’s traveling for business. His trick is to always focus on the core. He believes that if you have a strong core, everything else falls into place. His favorite exercise is planks because he feels that they are a natural, total-body workout. His philosophy for food is simple: eat well. He keeps his diet pure and protein-packed. We love his lean strong body!
#2 Ricky Gervais
Comic actor and creator of The Office, Ricky Gervais, has discovered a new-found passion for fitness. After spending years not putting much emphasis on health, Ricky decided it was time for a change. Going from 200 pounds to 168 pounds, it is clear that his hard work has paid off. He says that he simply realized how easy it is to simply put on sneakers and start running. Even if he didn’t run far at first, he built up his endurance and strength and has seen incredible improvements. Although he wonders why he didn’t start exercising sooner, he is living proof that it is never to late to get started and get fit.

Sarah Silverman
#3 Sarah Silverman
American comedienne, writer, and actress, Sarah Silverman, is famous for her satire and sarcasm. She addresses social taboos and touchy topics such as racism, sexism, and religion by endorsing them in irony. Although some deem her humor as controversial, she is always able to get away with it. Who knows? Maybe it’s her fit body that keeps her out of too much trouble. Sarah is dedicated to stretching, and says she does it at least a half hour before and after each and every workout. She is extremely passionate about yoga and thinks it’s what keeps her young and fit. Her vegetarian lifestyle isn’t hurting either. Her philosophy on health is moderation. She thinks it’s great to stay fit but she also thinks happiness is half of the picture. Combining hard work and pleasure keeps this funny lady happy.

Chelsea Handler
#4 Chelsea Handler
Late night talk show host Chelsea Lately is smart, sexy, and she never misses a beat. She looks amazing and can probably blame her personal trainer, Marc MacDonald for it. Brains and beauty? Check! Chelsea’s number one tip for staying lean and strong is don’t skip breakfast. She thinks it’s important to have lots of protein early in the day so that your muscles have fuel all day long. She has found that getting started is all it takes. Exercise is easy once you get going and the improvements make it so that you never want to stop.
#5 Kevin Hart
Kevin began his career by winning several comedy competitions throughout New England. He is famous today for roles in movies such as Scary Movie 3 and Along Came Polly. His comedic reputation continued to grow and in 2008, he released his first stand-up album. Staying fit is a must in Kevin’s opinion. He treats his body right and even keeps up with the little details like moisturizing his skin and keeping his facial hair nicely trimmed. He loves sports and anything else that gets him moving. He can’t just sit around and watch TV, especially since he has a few active kids to chase after.
#6 Daniel Tosh
Daniel is the host of the insanely popular comedy show, Tosh.0, which showcases Internet video clips. His show has made him well-known all over the world for his funny/sometimes mean shticks. His mocking humor usually pushes some limits, but he’s always able to pull it off. Daniel has always been active, and stays fit today by running and eating healthy. He prefers outdoor activity to gym workouts. Swimming, running, and just getting outside are his favorite activities to do.