Runners everywhere have ditched their cushioned jogging shoes for barefoot running and natural movement shoes like the Nike Free. This allows the foot to strike the ground in a more natural manner thus reducing stress on the ankles, knees, and back.
Weightlifters can also derive benefits from losing the running shoes, as a highly padded heel can force our center of balance to tilt slightly forward. This forward tilt can cause problems in lower body lifts like dead lifts and squats. While dead lifting, an unnatural forward tilt tightens the muscles in the hips and makes it more difficult to keep your lower back straight in the bottom position. During a squat, the forward tilt forces the weight forward and increases the pressure on the lower back and knees.
Going barefoot isn’t acceptable gym etiquette and dropping weights on a completely unprotected toe could could major injury. An alternative to going barefoot might already be in your closet. A pair of Converse, Vans, or even Sperry’s might work as long as the sole is flat. Be prepared to alternate shoes if you workouts quickly transition from jogging to lifting.
To learn more about barefoot training, visit our friend, Dr. James Stoxen DC, at