Music therapy is something many people have heard about but don’t know that it’s used to treat many disorders and diseases. This type of therapy has been used notably for depression, cardiac-related issues, Alzheimer’s, and autism.

The Mind

Music therapy can help with cognitive skills by providing an increased sense of control of something and improving coping skills. Music also can bring recall of suppressed memories, combat stress, reduce anxiety, and drastically improve a mood. Through this therapy, you can find a way to cope, handle, and gain control of your mind and emotions (Cleveland Clinic, 2020).

The Body

Additionally, music can affect the body through relaxation, changing your heart rate, decreasing blood pressure, assisting with pain management, helping improve motor functions, and even helping premature infants with sleep and gaining weight. Putting the mind at ease with the use of music impacts the body’s response (Cleveland Clinic).

The Soul

Music therapy can also be used to impact you spiritually. Music can make you have epiphanies in your life and make you feel more in touch with the world. Even in many religious cases, music is used as unity between your family, peers, and surroundings.



Cleveland Clinic. (2020, November 24). Music Therapy. Cleveland Clinic.

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