Photo Credit: pasukaru76 on

Are you frustrated with the fact that sometimes you leave the gym without that pump that you wanted? Well we have a solution for you; it’s called the super set. Supersets combine the idea of picking two or three separate exercises that work the same muscle or muscle group and combining them. Here’s an example:

Example: Working Chest

Three exercises: Traditional pushup, Wide pushup, Diamond pushup

  • Start with a traditional pushup and do approximately 15 reps.
  • After you finish the last rep, immediately widen your grip approximately 3-4 inches on each hand and do another 15 reps.
  • After that second set, bring your hands in together making a diamond like shape (thumb to thumb, pointer finger to pointer finger) and do your final 15 reps.

You have now completely fatigued your muscle with one superset with a total of 45 reps. Do this with other body parts and exercises too for a total body super set workout!

Check out this article about another muscle fatiguing technique called the drop set.

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