In a perfect world, when you want to be healthier, everyone wants to be healthier and everyone supports one another. But that’s rarely the case. Many parents find themselves in the predicament where they are trying to eat healthily and the kids complain and whine for pizza. It’s the classic, “When Mom’s on a diet, everyone’s on a diet” scenario and I can imagine how it would be downright dreadful for a kid to find out he is having cabbage soup for dinner.

So what can you do, as a parent, to have full control over what you are eating while being included in the main course for a family dinner?

  • Make the main course your side. Always have a healthy soup, veggies or salad at hand as your main dish, and have a small plate of spaghetti rather than a plate full which is just a heaping mountain of starchy carbs.
  • Introduce some of “your” food to the rest of the family by having them sample it. They may like it!
  • Keep an eye out for coupons for health foods, that way you can introduce the foods to them without breaking the bank.
  • Make it a point to go for a walk or run after dinner and always extend the invitation.
  • Sneak healthy foods into everyone’s diet. White wheat bread is a great start!
  • Dilute sweetened beverages with added water, or just serve plain old ice water – it’s great for everyone!
  • Set a good example with healthy food choices, exercise habits, and a lack of alcohol consumption
  • Remember to always show them love with … LOVE! Quality time, games, and tickles will always prove to be more valuable than a candy bar or cookie.

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