Photo Credit: Cayusa on

Valentine’s Day is almost here and hopefully you’ve prepared. If not, or even if you have, we have some fun ideas to help make this holiday a memorable one. They still require a little work, but we know that, just like in fitness, the best results happen when you give it your all.

Decorate your presents with stickers/scrapbooking products.  In the past, I’ve wrapped presents with white wrapping paper and decorated them myself with an assortment of stickers from an arts and craft store. A little work goes a long way and your efforts won’t go unnoticed. My girlfriend still has some of the wrapping paper I made for her birthday last year.

Tea Lights can help make a great presentation for your gifts and can set the mood for a romantic evening. You can usually buy them in large sets from Target, Walmart, etc and they come battery operated or as real candles, if you want to be authentic. Scented candles like cinnamon or vanilla can be very relaxing and help make the room cozier.

Make a special treat. Anything with chocolate is sure to please, but add some fruit for tanginess or pretzels for crunch and make the day that much more exciting. For example, as a breakfast surprise or dessert, make a parfait by layering a low-fat vanilla yogurt with raspberries and strawberries, then top it with dark chocolate and almonds.

Do things together. If you’re a guy who “dropped the ball” or a girl that’s not the restaurant reservation type, you can still make this Valentine’s Day a memorable one. There are plenty of things to do that don’t involve dinner at a fancy restaurant. Make dinner at home for your significant other, or better yet, with him/her. Go on a walk or hit the treadmills together. Exercise releases a lot of chemicals within your body that’ll ensure an enjoyable rest of the evening.

Be personal. Leave love notes in easily seen places around the house. Hand-write a card, or make one on the computer if that’s your thing. Give a massage or foot rub, they have numerous health benefits, in addition to setting a romantic mood for the rest of the night. Hugs and kisses, also have a strong effect on the human body, de-stressing and releasing endorphins throughout your body.

Show off that body you’ve been working on. You put in a lot of work at the gym and elsewhere. If you’re a girl, put on that “little black dress” and high heels. Guys, you’re not exempt from this, wear something that complements your body type and wouldn’t embarrass your significant other in public, even if you’re staying home. If you don’t know what to wear, put on something she bought you; chances are she likes how you look in it. Dressing up shows the man or woman in your life that you care about them enough to take time and effort to care for yourself. If you’re feeling really courageous, take some advice from Jada Pinkett Smith a couple of years back. Bare a little more skin, and send your valentine some pictures throughout the day. After all, who can resist great thighs or rock-hard abs?

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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