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Kobo Wireless eReader: Enter to Win One Here!

By February 17, 2011October 26th, 201421 Comments

Photo credit: KoboeReader.com


The Kobo wireless eReader is light like a feather, ridiculously simple to use and a dream come true for anyone who loves to chill out with a book, newspaper or magazine. I have to admit that I really had no interest in a one of these electronic book thingies, but now that I have one … OMG! I will never EVER be bored while waiting for my kid in a it’s parking lot, in a doctor’s waiting room or alone in a hotel room. For me, this handy dandy tool went from “who cares” to “where have you been all of my life?” Yep, I’m dramatic, but I think this Kobo wireless eReader loves me back in return. Lucky it likes me, because since it’s small enough to fit in any briefcase, purse or gym bag; I’m never going to leave home without it again.

Would you like to win one too? Oh good! Cause I’ve got one available to give away. Nice, huh? To enter, use the comment section to tell us about your favorite book and why you love it. Do this by Thursday March 3rd, 2011 at 8:00 PM EST and you may just have a technological love affair too! The Kobo Wireless eReader retails for $139.

Contest Rules:

One winner will be randomly chosen to receive a Kobo Wireless eReader. The winner will be publicly announced on Fitzness.com/blog.

Open to legal residents of the 50 United States, and the District of Columbia, who are 18 and older.

  • Contest ends Thursday, March 3rd, 2011 at 8:00PM EST.
  • One winner will be selected in a random drawing.
  • Prizes will be shipped within 14 business days of receiving the winner’s mailing address.
  • Entrants must leave a valid email address.
  • You may enter only once.
  • Good Luck!

Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler

Your fitness expert. Master's in Exercise & Sport Sciences. She's taught around the globe for decades and has a stellar knack for yanking the best out of folks who'd like to become more fit. Author, Speaker, TV Personality, Race Announcer, Corporate Spokesperson


  • Kristen says:

    Hmm, favorite book. Pride and Prejudice is up there — I love the complex female characters, and it’s so easy to characterize the men in our lives based on the male roles. Island of the Blue Dolphins was my favorite when I was young — I found myself completely removed from my current whereabouts. And, when I’m just relaxing, anything at all by Janet Evanovich is my choice. I do love to laugh!

  • Stephanie Ritchie says:

    My all time favorite book is “To Kill a Mockingbird.” When I was in 10th grade, we watched the movie one Saturday morning. My dad told me it was a book. So, I asked for it and got it. I LOVE this book. It is a fantastic read and I read it every year! It is a classic must read! (I also love Janet Evanovich books:)

  • Beverly Gray says:

    I love the twilight series, and Harry Potter.They take me to fantasy land, out of reality. But I really like to read to my boys. Anything that keeps them interested.

  • Blakely Porter says:

    My FAVORITE all time book would have to be Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. I read it in college, not knowing the storyline, and was really moved by the story of redemption. Of course, it has great characters and a love story that takes up most of the second half of the book. But the message of how powerful forgiveness can be is the reason this book changed me and continues to be my favorite story of all time! 🙂

  • Sheryl Arriola says:

    My favorite classic book is Pride and Prejudice. Storyline and characters were very captivating. I also enjoyed reading the Twilight books. Easy, mindless reading. My students were reading the books so I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. 🙂

  • Cindy Wooldridge says:

    My favorite books are children books! Although as an adult I love all of Jane Austen’s, Thomas Hardy’s, Herman Hesse’s, Ayn Rand’s….so many..(!) novels, nothing compares to sitting with your children and reading, for example, Charlotte’s Web, The Indian in the Cupboard, Charlie and the Chocolate Fatory, any of the Winnie The Pooh stories or Cornelia Funke’s or, of course, J.K Rowling’s….. I’d have to say my “favorite” books are ANY books that bring a family closer, whether reading together or reading separately and then discussing afterwards. Books are a very colorful and strong thread in our family’s rich tapestry. I cannot imagine our life without them!

    Thanks Fitz for this fun contest. You are the best and help so many live healthy life styles and reach their potential!

  • Winny says:

    I love Patricia Cornweel books. They’re just good reading!

  • Kim Howard says:

    Hmmmm…my favorite book would actually have to be a series. I hate to admit what it is after seeing the previous posts about people loving the classics! I do love Jane Austen books, biographies, anything I can read to my daughter…but I have to admit that my favorite books of all time are the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. Simply because it’s easy to read and sometimes I need something that I don’t have to think too much about and they make me literally laugh out loud 🙂 ! I seem to always read books in series. If I buy one book, I will buy the entire series. This reader would be Awesome for me because my house is crazily cluttered with books everywhere! Thanks so much for this contest and good luck to everyone!

  • Tara Barry says:

    So hard to choose but currently I still say the Harry Potter series. So much fun even for an adult, and I always loved Gone With The Wind.

  • Soha Molina says:

    My favorite book is Wuthering Heights because it’s a classic love story and very gripping.

  • As a teenager and first starting to read Kurt Vonnegut, I remember being enthralled when he described a paint color as “baby sh** brown”. I didn’t think grown-ups talked that way and it made me want to read every single book he’d ever written, most of them twice.
    Favorite? Probably “Wampeters, Foma & Granfalloons” where he wrote a science fiction story about heavy gravity days vs. light gravity days, the way we talk now about the weather.
    Oh now I’m thinking of other favorites…

  • Jacki says:

    God Never Blinks by Regina Brett — a breast cancer survivor and columnist for the Cleveland Plain Dealer who once wrote for the paper 50 life lessons that became wildly popular. She turned each lesson into a essay, and then into this book! Don’t let the God part scare you if you’re not a religious person — it’s still way inspiring!

  • Jennifer says:

    Fox In Sox! Still makes me and my kids giggle….

  • Teresa says:

    For me, my favorite is the twilight series. I just love vampire stories.

  • Marti says:

    My favorite book is “The Everything Flat Belly Cookbook: 300 Quick and Easy Recipes to help drop the belly fat and tone your abs,” by Fitz!!! Why? Because it has the most fantabulous recipes in it ever and they’re all good for you!

  • Adam C. Altman says:

    A favorite of mine is Erma Bombeck’s “If Life is a Bowl of Cherries, What Am I Doing in the Pits?” because it’s light-hearted humor that is easy to read, is not overdone, and remains relatable even though we’re no longer in the 1970s.

  • Kelly says:

    I love the twillight series. I love the story line and the characters.

  • Cindy Noel says:

    My favorite book is The Thorn Birds (I’ve read it three times, so far). I love the way it describes Australia and the life of Meggie. The missed opportunity for true love, the tragedies she endured, all keep me glued to the book. If I win – I’ll read it AGAIN! 🙂

  • Rob Comesanas says:

    The all time best book is The Hobbit. Spawned thousand of fantasy books, enthralled children around the globe and the LotR series made a pretty decent movie series too.

    Cool reader Fitz keep up the awesome giveaways! How cool to read one of these on an Eliptical. Good luck all (and good luck me)!!

  • I love all books but unfortunately my class of students with special needs ranging from moderate to severe do not share my passion, yet!!!

    I am hoping to obtain this e-reader so we can explore books together.

    Who knows, perhaps one of my students will be a famous author some day!

    Dreams are meant to be shared & read about! 🙂

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