Success Stories

Joe Antouri: This Is Why I am a Bodybuilder

By May 1, 2013October 29th, 2014One Comment
Joe Tauriello

Joe Antouri

Joe Antouri , 52 , Valley Village, Profession:  Educator of personal trainers, Master Professional Personal trainer, Nutrition Specialist CNS*


Why do you do your activity? Because I love what I do, it has been a great life, healthy, athletic and most of all, keeps me in great shape always. Bodybuilding is the only sport if done properly, will keep you fatless.


How long have you been doing it?  35 years


Do you compete? Yes, I used to. I competed from 1983 till 1990. Won a lot of major competitions nationally and internationally. I hold many titles.


Most challenging aspect of bodybuilding:  Competing against myself everyday.


Most fun aspect of bodybuilding:  Changing people’s lives with proper education.


Most rewarding aspect of it: Seeing my students succeed, make money, buy homes, start their own new gyms, and become icons in the fitness industry.


Who/what inspires you when you’re feeling weak?  My wife, my parents, my kids and my friends.


Advice for others who’d like to get started: Keep moving forward. Don’t let anyone get in your way.


Your must-have equipment for this activity:  Books.


Favorite training song:  I love Frank Sinatra, The Eagles, Gerry Rafferty, Johnny Cash, Pumping Iron, Cat Stevens, Elton john, James Taylor, John Denver, and Louis Armstrong 


Favorite healthy food: Fish and chicken with rice or potatoes all day long and Lebanese food made by my mother.

Favorite not-so-healthy food:
Hamburgers, hot dogs, Croissants, cake and ice cream.

Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler

Your fitness expert. Master's in Exercise & Sport Sciences. She's taught around the globe for decades and has a stellar knack for yanking the best out of folks who'd like to become more fit. Author, Speaker, TV Personality, Race Announcer, Corporate Spokesperson

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