Achieving Ultimate FitznessWorkouts

Interrupt and Energize your Day with Mobilizers

By September 29, 2011October 26th, 2014No Comments

Photo Credit: kharied via

Mobilizers? What the heck is that? I thought the same thing the first time I heard this word. Actually, the concept of mobilizers and what they can do for your body is more simple than you think. By definition, mobilizers are simplistic movements that create better extensibility (flexibility) in the tissues (muscles) of the body.

As years progress, the human population is moving less and less. Sitting at a desk, in front of the TV, in a car… the list could go on and on. Obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, and so many other dangers can be easily avoided by adding some movement – even if it is simple – in to your daily routine. Performing some mobilizers periodically throughout a study session, a long day at work, or even during a commercial break on TV can wake up your body, fight fatigue, and make you feel loose.

5 things must be present for a movement to be considered a mobilizer:

  • Subconscious: Ask your body how it wants to move, don’t tell it or force it. Cause a reaction within your muscles, don’t force it.
  • Threshold: Allow your body to tell you how far it wants to go and then release. Don’t try to compensate with other areas of your body to complete the movement.
  • Stability: Be completely aware of what is going on in your body and what it feels at any given time. This allows you to remain in balance and respond to anything in your environment.
  • Rhythm & Timing: Become more efficient in your movements.
  • Subtle: Movement that is not forced and not threatening to your body.

Here’s some examples of things that you can do in a small 5 minute break:

  • Hip Swing: Stand facing a wall, place your hands shoulder distance and height on the wall. Lift one leg to 90 degrees. With the base leg on the ground slightly bent (not locked), begin to swing the lifted leg left and right.
  • Hamstring Stretch: Place one foot about 6 inches in front of the other. With straight legs (again, not locked), pretend like you are bowing. Keep your back straight and your neck in line with your spine. Push down through the heels and lift your hips upwards.
  • Torso Rotation: Stand in a lunge stance, one leg about 3 feet in front of the other. Tilt your hips under and in (no butts sticking out!) and lunge down, making sure your front knee does not pass over your toes. With the opposite arm, reach over to the outside of the thigh that is in front. Alternate legs.

Survival is movement. So many things within our bodies rely on movement and you’ll feel so much better after even doing the slightest exercise. Mobilizers are a great way to slowly warm up for a workout, to wake up if you’re having a sluggish day, or to just do whenever you feel like it! No matter what age you are or what level of fitness you are at, you’re body will thank you.

Also, find various online classes that you can incorporate into your day.

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