Falling on and off the bandwagon when it comes to fitness is something many have grown accustomed to. Unfortunately, you have yet to find your flow when it comes to exercising and eating healthily. Seeing other people in their element at the gym makes you even more anxious to get back into the swing of things and you’re not sure why. There are a number of stigmas that go hand in hand with so-called “fitness journeys” so now is the time to gain clarity on what this really means for you. When it comes to staying fit, it’s not all about rock hard abs and personal bests; it’s about feeling your best. Staying focused during your fitness journey will never be a walk in the park, but it doesn’t have to be as difficult as you think.

Write Down Your Goals

It doesn’t matter how big they are right now; you can laser focus them at a later date. Spend twenty minutes dumping all of your ideas into a document and this will give you a broad indication of where you want to be. Try to use specific numbers and measurements so that you know exactly where you want to be. Having these tangible goals at your fingertips will help you to stay on track as soon as you begin your journey. 

Know Your Reasons Why

Now that you have outlined all of your goals, including the numbers, you can start working on your reasons why. For most people, having goals is not enough when it comes to actually reaching them. You need to know exactly why you want to achieve these goals so that your mind is never swayed when you’re tired or stressed out. 

Focus on One Target Area at a Time

Although you want to reach your fitness goals as quickly as possible, you can’t expect miracles overnight. There are so many benefits to full body workouts, but you’ll need to understand why and how to work each body part. Start with calf workouts, arm workouts or stomach workouts, there are so many different areas you can focus on. Revert back to your list of goals and start with workouts that are going to bring you closer to attaining that goal.

Get an Accountability Buddy

Going to the gym on your own isn’t always fun. You might enjoy escaping for an hour or two, but most people love having an accountability buddy that can keep them on track. Whether they’re way fitter that you, less fit or the same, it’s great to have someone to share time, goals and successes with. It’s also beneficial to have someone you don’t want to disappoint by bailing on. This always helps with consistency.

Fuel Your Body With Food

Having an amazing workout schedule with the best accountability partner is one thing. Matching your eating habits with your new exercise regime is a whole new ball game. You need to fuel your body with food, rather than restricting food groups or cutting out food altogether. Check out The Exact Formula for Weight Loss. You’ll learn how to eat the right amount of the right foods for the size you’d like to be. 

Try Home Workouts

If you’re not comfortable or interested in going to a gym, fine! Home workouts are just as effective and can really help you grow in confidence.  You should also consider trying other forms of exercise that are more enjoyable to you. Sports such as swimming, dancing, skiing, and football are all amazing ways to move your body and they will bring you closer to your fitness goals.

Adjust Your Mindset

When you’re trying to up your fitness game, it is so important to maintain a strong and focused mindset. This can have a huge impact on the way you approach exercise and it will help you to stay on track. Although you may have days when you want to give everything up, your mindset will help you to push through these feelings. You may want to speak to a coach who can help you work through any mental blocks you currently have.

Don’t Set Your Expectations Too High

There are so many reasons why you put pressure on yourself to achieve amazing things. You might be comparing yourself to others in your circle or you might even be using the online world to shape your own views of yourself. Whatever you do during your fitness journey, make sure that you don’t set your expectations too high. When you do this, you are setting yourself up for disappointment, because you won’t be able to get to where you want to be in the allocated time. Be kind to yourself and make sure your goals are well within your reach.

Be Patient

You can’t expect to achieve amazing results after just one session. You need to work towards your goals consistently in order to see any noticeable changes. Although you might want to resort to a quick fix, this certainly isn’t advisable. Quick fixes are not sustainable in the long run and they will definitely make you feel unhealthier than you did before. If you put the work in, you will start to see noticeable results; you just have to be patient with yourself.






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