Have you ever looked at the sun, and when looking away, you suddenly see dots in your vision? There is a reason behind that, and it will make you want to grab your sunglasses! This is caused by the sun burning your retina and temporarily affecting your vision. The more you look at the sun, the more this becomes an issue that can lead to eye diseases, such as cataracts or retinopathy (Revant Optics, 2022). Retinopathy is a leading cause of blindness that is preventable. 

How Can Sunglasses Help?

Sunglasses work to protect your eyes from the sun, as well as other particles. They can prevent skin cancer around the eyes, eye disease, or vision loss by protecting your skin and eyes from the sun’s harmful rays. The skin around your eyes is the most sensitive and can easily be damaged, and the right pair of sunglasses can prevent this (Balzer, 2022).

What Are The Right Pair of Sunglasses?

For the best protection, it is highly recommended that you make sure your sunglasses are UV protected. These types of sunglasses can sometimes be labeled as “broad spectrum” or state that they protect from UVA and UVB rays, which is different from “polarized” sunglasses. Many sunglasses are strictly fashionable or don’t offer this kind of protection. While those sunglasses still offer some protection, it is only to a certain extent (Retina Optics, 2022). So, find the right pair to protect your eyes and look good while you do!



Balzer, D. (2022, March 28). Mayo Clinic Minute: Why sunglasses are a must-wear – mayo clinic news network. Mayo Clinic. https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/mayo-clinic-minute-why-sunglasses-are-a-must-wear/ 

Revant Optics. (2022, May 31). Sunglasses protection 101: Why your sunglasses should have Uva & UVB protection. Revant Optics. https://www.revantoptics.com/blogs/the-lens/sunglasses-protection-101-why-your-sunglasses-should-have-uva-uvb-protection 

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