Have you previously started a workout and quit after a few weeks due to boredom? Or maybe your workout plans have become something of a chore and you’re struggling to stay motivated? Either way, it’s likely that you are missing one key ingredient in the recipe for success. Fun! Unless you are a professional athlete getting paid millions to be at the top of your game, enjoyment should be one of your top priorities when deciding on exercise. After all, you are giving up some of your valuable free time to stay fit and the options are endless. It makes sense to make exercise a hobby that you look forward to, not least because it offers a break from your job. Here are five quick tricks to keep you smiling.


Do Workouts On Your Terms

For workouts to be fun, they should be completed at a suitable time and in a comfortable setting. For many people, home workouts are the perfect solution. Investing in quality products like Urethane barbell plates is a great option as they won’t take up much room. Likewise, their safety features prevent damage to the room should you accidentally drop them. You can additionally look at treadmills or bikes that let you compete against others from around the world.  Fitness video games that get you dancing, boxing, jumping around or anything can be a hoot too!


Join A Fitness Event

The overall goal of dropping a dress size or getting stronger won’t always keep you motivated. However, signing up for a charity event or attending one of these fitness festivals could be just the answer. The training will ensure that you stay consistent. Meanwhile, the big event itself will provide memories that last a lifetime. Whether looking to take on a group challenge with friends or meet new people during a personal journey doesn’t matter. Fun is virtually guaranteed. Without a deadline, it becomes easy to start slacking. This step will prevent it.


Play Team Sports

Human interactions often hold the key to our enjoyment, not least when it comes to fitness. So, while home workouts and personal fitness challenges are great, a little teamwork or friendly competition should be embraced. The benefits of team sports promise to be even greater after living in lockdown. The social elements mean you can burn the calories without even thinking about it. Better still, if this replaces your old midweek trip to the bar, you won’t be consuming booze either. It’s especially fun when you actively love the sport.


Look For Fitness Holidays

Vacations provide some of the biggest highlights of our lives. Generally speaking, they are a time to let your hair down and stop worrying about exercise. However, something like the Mayflower Inn wellness retreat can combine the two. This creates a sense of added joy without any post-holiday guilt. Better still, this is a reward that makes all of your hard work feel worthwhile. It’s a great excuse to finally treat yourself to some new clothes that aren’t fitness apparel. The benefits of fitness shouldn’t be limited to your physical health. It’s vital to also feed your mind. 


When getting fit actively improves your quality of life, you cannot ask for more.


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