Smoking is still a global health problem, with far too many people, even those who exercise
frequently and vigorously, hooked. It’s often a stress-relieving method, prompting many to form
this habit. Still, it doesn’t come without consequences, especially for fitness enthusiasts. Our
article on ‘Smoking’s Effects on Fitness’ elaborated on these harmful effects, including
decreasing your oxygen levels during exercise, which will affect both cardio and strength
training. Aside from this, smoking has other negative impacts on your workout. If you’re a
smoker and a fitness enthusiast, keep reading to find out more and what you can do to address
this problem.

How Smoking Affects Your Workouts
An often overlooked effect of smoking is decreased bone strength. A smoking-induced
osteoporosis study on MDPI concluded that this harmful habit leads to bone loss and
osteoporosis—a condition that weakens bones to the point where they break easily. This is
because smoking has been found to decrease vitamin D in the body, which is essential for bone
strength. As such, fitness enthusiasts who smoke are at higher risk for injuries like fractures,
especially when doing workouts that require a high level of intensity, like weight-lifting or
sprinting. If you're concerned about this possibly happening to you, here are a few ways to
prevent it.

How to Stop Smoking for Better Workouts

Use alternative nicotine products.
Alternative products like nicotine pouches and patches can satisfy your nicotine cravings
without exposing you to the dangers of smoke. Nicotine pouches are oral products that you can
place between your gum and upper lip for up to an hour. These have helped many quit because
it allows the user to get their nicotine fix without inhaling smoke. Another advantage is how
different brands offer varying strengths depending on your nicotine habit. The Velo nicotine
pouches featured at Prilla range from 2mg to 7mg, so you can gradually lower your
consumption as you quit smoking. They are also available in different exciting flavors, like
wintergreen, black cherry, and dragon fruit, to suit your tastes.

Meanwhile, patches stick to your skin for gradual nicotine absorption into the bloodstream. The
Nicorette nicotine patches from GlaxoSmithKline can stay on your skin for 24 hours, making it
trouble-free and easy to use. It can also be worn during workouts, as long as you don’t sweat it

Keep working out.
As a fitness junkie, you’ll be glad to know that working out can help you quit smoking. reports that exercise helps with smoking cravings. It distracts you from smoking
since you’re already releasing stress in another way. To maximize this effect, frequently choose
workouts you enjoy in order to be more motivated to exercise in the long run. It also helps to

incorporate exercise into your daily activities. Take the stairs instead of the elevator at work or
walk to the grocery instead of driving. This way, you’ll get in that workout even when you’re
short on time. Continuing to exercise as you quit smoking helps manage your cravings.

Call a quitline
If you’re still finding it hard to quit using the practices above, don’t be afraid to seek support.
Quitlines, like 1-800-QUIT-NOW, connect you with a quit coach who will help you stop smoking.
They’ll ask questions about your smoking habits and devise a plan to aid your quitting journey.
They can also advise you to get medication, give tips on dealing with cravings, and recommend
websites or apps to help you quit. With a quitline, you can be guided toward the best ways to
kick this harmful habit.

Smoking prevents you from maximizing your workouts. Quit smoking today by using
alternative nicotine products, exercising more, and calling a quitline to get back into your best

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