Photo Credit: Stefano Costantini

Simply put, smoking decreases fitness levels by reducing the amount of oxygen available in the body. Oxygen has a lot to do with energy production, so without it, the “oomph” factor isn’t as strong as it potentially could be. If you don’t smoke, keep it up. If you do smoke and plan on continuing to do so, well, know that you’re not doing EVERYTHING in your power to perform your best when it comes to your fitness.

According to Australian sports physiologist David Pyne,

  • Smoking increases the heart rate for a given level of exercise
  • Smoking also causes chronic swelling of the mucous membranes, which makes it harder to breathe
  • The heart has to work harder to compensate for less amounts of oxygen reaching muscles
  • Endurance is cut short, so you can’t work out for as long as you would as if you were a non-smoker
  • Individuals who smoke are statistically less likely to stick to their exercise program


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