Achieving Ultimate FitznessCelebrity

Hot Man in his 20’s: Congressman Aaron Schock

By May 23, 2011October 26th, 2014One Comment

The June issue of Men’s Health magazine highlights some famous men who really do their age group justice. Aaron Schock, 29, labeled “America’s Fittest Congressman” has a stunning six pack and sharp insight on fitness to go with it. Yep, I think even President Obama would ask this Republican for advice when it comes to healthy habits. As he states below, when it comes to fitness, it’s seems like Mr. Schock and the Obama’s have found some common ground.

On Michelle Obama: “I think Michelle Obama is on the right track with her Let’s Move campaign to bring down childhood obesity.” “She and I come from the same state, Illinois, which is number four in the nation for obese children. One out of five Illinois children are considered obese.”

On the responsibility of being a role model: “If you want to start talking about healthy lifestyles and staying in shape, then you yourself should do your best to try to be a model, an example to people you’re trying to convince to do the same.”

On a future in politics: “Public service is a great honor, but it tends to be all-consuming. When I look at that Capitol dome and no longer feel that tingle. Then I’ll know it’s time to go.”

On Exercise v Nutrition: “Exercise is more important that diet for me because it’s a twofer. It keeps me in good physical shape and it relieves stress. And when you’re a representative of the public, there’s never a shortage of things to do”

On working out before sunrise: “It’s got to happen early or it’s not going to happen.”

On his fitness calling: “In college I could feel my body changing, and I knew that if I didn’t make some changes, I was going to go in the wrong direction.”

Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler

Your fitness expert. Master's in Exercise & Sport Sciences. She's taught around the globe for decades and has a stellar knack for yanking the best out of folks who'd like to become more fit. Author, Speaker, TV Personality, Race Announcer, Corporate Spokesperson

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