Sleep is critical for human survival. The Soviets actually tested this in the 1940s, where they had prisoners locked up in a chamber and kept them awake via a gas stimulant for 30 days. Not to get too gruesome or anything, but let’s just say by the 15th day, each one had ripped off their own flesh and they were physically and mentally falling apart. GROSS! If this isn’t proof that you need sleep, then I don’t know what is.

There are many ways to help induce and improve sleep quality (I have had to learn all the tricks as I am as restless as it gets- sleepwalking and talking- I do it all).

Essential Oils

Essential oils are a great way to calm the mind and body. There are so many different scents available. Lavender is a common and well-known calming scent that is perfect for helping you fall asleep. Peppermint and eucalyptus have anti-inflammatory properties that help clear sinuses and airways. Jasmine has also been suggested to help improve the quality of sleep by reducing restlessness.

Ways to utilize these oils

  • A diffuser: You can buy small cheap ones from pretty much anywhere. A few drops of your selected oil with some water – your sleep space will smell like heaven in no time.
  • Skin: if you are really stuffy and have one of those colds that just won’t nudge, placing a small amount of oils like eucalyptus and peppermint on your top lip will clear up those airways ASAP. (HACK: If you have irritative skin, placing small amounts on your pillowcase is another alternative and the smell will last for a lot longer.)

Silk Pillowcases

Silk has a variety of benefits for your skin and hair, they are real game-changers. This is more of a beauty hack, but silk will help improve the retention of moisture in your skin and get rid of those bad hair days. Wake up, wash your face, then you’re out the door without having to worry about the frizz or knots. Finer silk pillowcases will also help regulate temperature, which may help you remain cool and dry all night long.

Weighted Blankets

These are the best sleeping invention (in my opinion) ever. Weighted blankets feel like you are constantly getting a big hug. It’s great. There are many different options of weight and size. The weight helps reduce anxiety, physically doesn’t let you be restless, and can improve your overall quality of sleep. (This option is less than fantastic in hot weather).

Breathing Exercises

Box breathing is a way to calm your brain and completely get rid of those thoughts running around in your head. Breath in deeply for four seconds,  hold for four seconds, and breath out for four seconds. Repeat!  This is a simple practice that can be done anywhere to reduce anxiety as well.


Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

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