Assuming your gym has all the standard equipment, use this workout for a challenging and varied workout designed to prevent “cardio boredom” and make your upper body strong and toned.
- 8 minutes on stepper.
- ***Start at level 1 and elevate your level of effort every 20 seconds until you can’t go any harder. Stay at the top for as long as you can, then decrease your work level once every 30 seconds until your 8 minutes are up.
- Cycle 2 miles as fast as you can.
- Jog 1 mile.
- ***Use challenging dumbbells for each exercise below. Do 2 or 3 sets of 10 depending on your fitness level.
- Bench Press
- Flies
- Rows
- Flies
- Supine Lat Pull
- Military Press
- Lateral Raises
- Front Raises
- Bicep Curls
- Supine Tricep Extension
- Finish with 5 minutes of stretching.
For a video demo of each strength training exercise click on the links.
Always consult your physician before beginning a new fitness program. If you are lifting heavy weight over your head, enlist the help of a trainer or partner to spot you. If you experience pain, dizziness or nausea while training, stop immediately and seek medical attention. Remember to start with light weight and a small amount of repetitions. Gradually increase levels of resistance and repetition over time. Be safe and stay healthy. Exercise should always be a positive experience!