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Giveaway: “Words To Sweat By” Towels

By July 5, 2011October 26th, 201414 Comments

Forget that hundred dollar per hour trainer! All you need for motivation and a dose of workout humor is a Words to Sweat By Towel. I know, I know … sounds like a bit of an exaggeration (who me? I would never!) But these cutie patootie towels go far beyond just wiping the sweat from your brow, they offer words of encouragement and a chuckle along the way. They’re a sweet idea for those who like to sweat and if you’d like to win two of them, Words to Sweat By wants to send them to you! They make great gifts as well, so maybe you can win won for you and save the other for your workout partner. To enter, use the comment section below to share which of your workouts makes you the sweatiest. Yep, these towels are fun, but they’re made for sopping up sweat! What do you do that will make the most use of them? Contest ends Friday July 15, 2011 at 8:00 PM EST.

Contest Rules

One winner will be randomly chosen to receive two Words to Sweat By towels. The winners will be publicly announced on

Open to legal residents of the 50 United States, and the District of Columbia, who are 18 and older.

  • Contest ends Friday, July 15th, 2011 at 8:00 PM EST.
  • One winner will be selected in a random drawing.
  • Prizes will be shipped within 14 business days of receiving the winner’s mailing address.
  • Entrants must leave a valid email address.
  • You may enter only once.
  • Good luck!


Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler

Your fitness expert. Master's in Exercise & Sport Sciences. She's taught around the globe for decades and has a stellar knack for yanking the best out of folks who'd like to become more fit. Author, Speaker, TV Personality, Race Announcer, Corporate Spokesperson


  • Stephanie Ritchie says:

    I would have to say my treadmill makes me the sweatiest. I walk at a good pace and have an incline of about 7. (higher sometimes to really get the heart going). Also, playing outside with my boys. Playing kickball, baseball or anything else they want to play always gets me going.

  • steve turchin says: the Arizona summer when its 114 out..dry heat my butt.follow it up with some circuit training, some push ups, sit ups.mountain climbers and burpees..not sure your towel can handle it!

  • Kristen says:

    Outdoors, I don’t think anything makes me sweatier than running. It just pours off of me. Indoors, anything with a serious cardio component (kickboxing, the Insanity videos, interval training classes) get me super sweaty too. Then again, I sweat so much during yoga that my hands slip and slide, so I guess I’m just sweaty!

  • Jacki says:

    Running. On my treadmill. In the garage. Or anything done outdoors in Florida in the middle of the day!

  • Sheryl Arriola says:

    Hot yoga makes me sweat more than anything I’ve ever done before – even more than summer running in Florida.

  • Dory Schofield says:

    Dancing around my living room to the new Beyonce CD. Crazy sweat!

  • brooke newell says:

    I go to Crossfit Gainesville and any workout I do there always leaves me sweaty! I also ran a marathon in February so I did sweat tremendously also.during my training.

  • Robyn Ackerman says:

    Hmmm Any work out lately, Im way too out of shape, unfortunately it doesn’t take much but the outdoors in the hot sun and humidity has to be the number #1 spot. and the Wii games, dont let the game part fool you get the Dance fit verision and see what happens, your panting in less than 2 minuntes

  • Nnenna says:

    Bikram yoga and long runs outside in disgusting Florida heat. I love it though-feel like I’m doing something.

  • Jen Watson says:

    I have to also go with running outside- though circuit training sessions in the gym are also right up there.

  • Kristin says:

    Definitely any Insanity workout…they are named Insanity for a reason. I hate it while I am doing it but always happy after.

  • Kelly Hooper says:

    Spin class makes me sweat buckets every time. Walking out of the class, I always look like I took a dip in the pool. LOVE IT.

  • Gianna Patton says:

    Bikram’s Hot Yoga. I’ve never been sweatier in all my life! Second place goes to 90 minutes on the elliptical.

  • jeri jones says:

    Boot camp – 45 seconds on, 15 seconds off for 60 minutes will leave you dripping!

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