When studying for an online degree, the academic requirements of the course can feel more intense than working a full-time job. While it can be easy to focus all your time on studying, it’s important that you maintain your health and fitness levels without letting things slide.

While an online degree can give you more flexibility, you will be spending more time indoors than you would if you had to regularly attend an on-campus establishment. For example, if you are currently obtaining a nurse midwife education, it’s important to take some time away from your studies for some much-needed exercise. Here are some tips on how you can do just that.

Clean Up Your Room

While cleaning your room may feel like a chore that you would rather avoid, you will be surprised at the health benefits it can bring. Between doing coursework, using social media and other distractions, sitting down for long periods of time can cause havoc on your health. Doing something as straightforward as cleaning your room can help keep you active. Moving around is important, especially if you are studying for an online degree where you will spend many hours on your computer. Simple tasks such as doing laundry or domestic chores can ensure you have a clear room and a clear mind.

Take a Walk

While no one is saying you have to run a marathon to maintain your fitness, getting outdoors for a walk can be another great way to stay in shape. If you are stuck at your desk studying, it can be easy to lose motivation, so why not get outdoors and get some fresh air? If you don’t have enough time to do a dedicated workout, walking around your neighborhood can be just as beneficial. You may want to invest in an activity tracker to monitor your steps. While a common target that many people set is 10,000 steps a day, there are some experts who recommend aiming for 16,000 steps daily to keep you in shape. If you don’t like walking, biking around is another great way to stay active.

Run Around the Block

As a student, it’s likely that you will want to scrimp and save where you can. Therefore, another fantastic way to stay in shape is by running. Once you have purchased a decent pair of running shoes, simply head out around your neighborhood and go for a run. If you have not run before, it’s best to start off slow and steady, rather than pushing yourself to the extreme. If you try to do too much at once, you may pull a muscle. As you get used to running, you can start setting yourself challenges and goals, whether it be increasing your speed or distance. Once you feel confident, you will see a whole range of health benefits to your physical and mental health, which in turn is great for your studies.

Plan Ahead

The thought of having to do daily exercise can be off-putting, therefore, creating a workout plan can give you structure so you have something to work for. If you want to join a gym, you should find out when it is less crowded, which means you can use the machines without having to wait around. This is useful if you are only able to find a half hour slot here and there in between your studies.

Find a Workout Buddy

If you find it hard to get the motivation to exercise, why not find a friend who can work out with you? Having a real-life friend to exercise with you can give you more determination and drive, making fitness something to look forward to (rather than a chore!). It can be easy to put off a workout when it’s just you making the decision, however, having a friend to push you in the right direction can ensure you stay in shape throughout your studies. What’s more, working out with someone else can be a great social aspect. It can be easy to feel alone and isolated when the demands of your degree start adding up, so having someone there for company and commiseration can be hugely beneficial.

Join a Club

If you don’t like going to the gym, you may benefit from joining a club instead. Finding a sport that you like, whether it be yoga, dance groups, martial arts or football, there are all sorts of clubs that you can join to keep you active and healthy. There are various activities that you may not have even considered such as rock climbing or rowing. Pushing yourself out your comfort zone can boost your confidence and self-esteem too, especially as you will be engaging with others in the same boat as you. When you have a weekly activity to look forward to, it can also act as a reward and something to aim towards when you are trying to push through the last bits of your coursework or assignment.

Get a Complete Workout at Home

There are tons of fantastic online resources to guide you to a complete strength training routine with little to no equipment. You don’t have to pay or even leave your home to be in outstanding shape. Get creative and make no excuses!

Eat Well

To work to the best of your ability, it’s important to eat well. Eating the right amounts of the right foods can boost your energy levels and keep you on the straight and narrow. Read The Exact Formula for Weight Loss, which is also a great choice for those simply trying to maintain their weight or eating more nutritiously. When faced with a mountain of coursework, you will want to be able to focus, so make sure to eat the right foods to keep you driven and motivated.

Getting Enough Sleep

We all know how important it is to get a good night’s sleep, but what you may not realize is that poor sleep can result in weight gain. Those who suffer from sleep problems will experience a decrease in activity levels, making day to day duties more challenging. As a student, you will want to feel at your best, so it’s essential that you are able to shut off at night to get some much-needed shuteye.

It can be easy to put our health and fitness on the back burner when we have exams and coursework to think about, however, if you want to achieve top grades, your mental and physical health needs to be maintained. Therefore, using any of the tips listed can put you on the right track and help keep you in shape while studying.

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